Silver Paint
Mechanical model kits made of natural wood
Every year I do a project with a bunch of engineering students from Strathclyde Uni. It is part of a huge professional practice module across all the disciplines of DMEM (Department of Mathmatics, Engineering and Management) whereby students are partnered with about 50 different companies from Landrover and MOD to cake factories, medical prosthetics and through to little companies like mine. In May I go to Glasgow for the final presentations and see this array of extraordinary industrial creativity. It is a big highpoint in my year. This year’s team are designing jigs for me and are hard at it in the workshop but they are also building a Timberkits Traction Engine inbetween everything else. They are amazing, they are having a great time and I value their fresh thinking, input and energy so much. Have faith in the next generation and invest in them!